by admin | May 1, 2020 | Business
RE: Employment Opportunity: Junior to Intermediate Web/Graphic Designer We are a small web/graphic design firm located in Toronto, Ontario Canada. Our mission is to provide professional, affordable and effective designs for small to medium sized businesses. We have a...
by admin | Nov 7, 2018 | Business, Journal, Marketing
What was once about customer service, respect and responsibility, and quality has now become an abstract idea in cyberspace. Facebook likes seem to hold more value right now than real likes, meaning a repeated story of one incident can have a longer lasting effect...
by admin | Oct 24, 2018 | Business, Marketing
Over the last several weeks I’ve been creating and designing social media/newsletter campaigns for a few of my clients. There is a growing debate as to whether this type of advertising is effective for your business. Although the leads that both social media and...
by admin | Oct 15, 2018 | Business, Marketing, Print Design
Designing your business card effectively is about a lot more than your putting a logo, your info, and some designs you like. Like everything in our world, there is a psychology to creating an attractive card to generate leads. Here is a great infographic of tips to...
by admin | Nov 28, 2017 | Business, Marketing, Print Design, Web Design
As we all know as designers, whether it be graphic or web (in my business you could say I take on both roles), it can often times be difficult to explain what is needed to get started, what is expected and why designers have so much variation in terms of what they...
by admin | Oct 8, 2014 | Business, portfolio, Uncategorised, Web Design
I recently had an existing client of mine, Leprevo Custom Homes, request a mobile site added to their existing website. Although we created their site about a year ago, the client chose to skip a responsive version to be included in their original development. Doing...