by admin | Nov 28, 2017 | Business, Marketing, Print Design, Web Design
As we all know as designers, whether it be graphic or web (in my business you could say I take on both roles), it can often times be difficult to explain what is needed to get started, what is expected and why designers have so much variation in terms of what they...
by admin | May 17, 2016 | portfolio, Web Design
I love real estate and interior design. It would have been my second choice had I not gone into web design. Sometimes, I get lucky enough to mesh both those worlds together – like in the case with this Real estate websites for Toronto realtor Derek Ladouceur...
by admin | May 12, 2016 | Marketing, Web Design
Hello Everyone, It’s official! I’ve been working in this industry for well over a decade, and have developed (from scratch) well over a hundred WordPress sites. My experience with working with clients over the years, has uncovered one very big truth: It is...
by admin | May 12, 2016 | portfolio, Web Design
Check out this Responsive WordPress site created by Sevens Creative.
by admin | Oct 8, 2014 | Business, portfolio, Uncategorised, Web Design
I recently had an existing client of mine, Leprevo Custom Homes, request a mobile site added to their existing website. Although we created their site about a year ago, the client chose to skip a responsive version to be included in their original development. Doing...
by admin | May 21, 2014 | portfolio, Web Design
In updating the website for The Shutterworks in Calgary, I ensured that I consulted the team, handling web marketing, first. We discussed the pros and cons of the current site, so we knew what to maintain and/or include, and what to discard to market the site without...