Sevens Created it: The Shutterworks Re-Design

In updating the website for The Shutterworks in Calgary, I ensured that I consulted the team, handling web marketing, first. We discussed the pros and cons of the current site, so we knew what to maintain and/or include, and what to discard to market the site without losing any traction. We kept the majority of the content the same, but made some major difference in technology and ease of use.

Sevens Creative took the initial html site and cloned it on WordPress, so now the client has access to the site to add and edit images and text on pages; we removed all the flash elements and setup the site using a responsive theme for mobile ready devices; The home page on the original site took quite a long time to load, so in the updated site, we moved the gallery away from the home page. And finally, we redirected all old links to their perspective new pages and created a 404 page so search results continued to index the website without disruption of service or errors. Now we wait and track the results of the new site and periodically make and test minor improvements to make, your job, as a customer, easier.

I love the way the site looks and feels now. The elements are modern, load quickly and look great on any device, and Tom is always a pleasure to work with. If you live in the Calgary area, your home should have Tom’s shutters. He’s a friendly, professional, humble business owner who loves what he does and helping people.

Please visit the The Shutterworks for window shutters in Calgary, Alberta website. Feedback is welcome.


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