by admin | May 17, 2016 | portfolio, Web Design
I love real estate and interior design. It would have been my second choice had I not gone into web design. Sometimes, I get lucky enough to mesh both those worlds together – like in the case with this Real estate websites for Toronto realtor Derek Ladouceur...
by admin | May 12, 2016 | portfolio, Web Design
Check out this Responsive WordPress site created by Sevens Creative.
by admin | Oct 8, 2014 | Business, portfolio, Uncategorised, Web Design
I recently had an existing client of mine, Leprevo Custom Homes, request a mobile site added to their existing website. Although we created their site about a year ago, the client chose to skip a responsive version to be included in their original development. Doing...
by admin | Jun 3, 2014 | Business, portfolio
I love designing logos for businesses as I truly believe it is the representing emblem for a company’s brand. JH Metalcraft designs and installs custom copper roofing and embellishments for homes. When designing the company’s logo, we wanted to create an...
by admin | May 21, 2014 | portfolio, Web Design
In updating the website for The Shutterworks in Calgary, I ensured that I consulted the team, handling web marketing, first. We discussed the pros and cons of the current site, so we knew what to maintain and/or include, and what to discard to market the site without...
by admin | Apr 14, 2014 | portfolio, Print Design
I just got our company business cards today, and, YAY, I love them. As a designer, it is so much harder to please yourself than your clients. We have a particular standard to maintain in terms of expressing our creativity that can often results in taking weeks (or,...